

The NSSSA Chignecto Region encompasses all four families of schools within the Chignecto Central Regional Center for Education; Chignecto, Cobequid, Nova, and Celtic.

Cabinet Members

Leah BruntPremier
Laila McInnisSecretary + Welcoming Trio
Skyler SillyWelcoming Trio
Rowan BlancheWelcoming Trio
James NesbittWENDY
Madison AllenWENDY
Erin MacNeilSkillbuilding Co-Chair
Casey Van De WeilSkillbuilding Co-Chair + 3-Tion
Georgia Price3-Tion + Public Relations
Zach ElsworthPublic Relations
Adelynn FisherHead School Representatives
Cole NixHead Logistic
Grace McInnisHead Chaperone
Shawn BruntAdvisor

Past Events