
AS AMENDED August 13TH, 2022


1. Preferential Balloting System 

1.1. In the Preferential Balloting system, voters rank their choices in order of preference.  

1.2. If a candidate receives more than fifty (50) percent of the first choice votes, they will be declared the winner of  the election.  

1.3. If no candidate is declared a winner according to section 1.2, the second choices of the candidate with the least  amount of first choice votes are used to determine the winner. The Chief Electoral Officers use the second choices of the  lowest candidate, assigning these to the appropriate candidates as first choice votes. If a candidate receives more than fifty  (50) percent with the included votes, then he/she is declared the winner of the election. 

1.4. This process is continued if necessary with each succeeding lowest candidate, until a candidate receives more  than fifty (50) percent of the vote. 

2. Preferential Vote 

2.1. A preferential vote ranks all of the candidates in order of preference. 

3. Delegate 

3.1 A student enrolled in a Nova Scotian Secondary School in attendance at a NSSSA Leadership Conference.

4. Skillbuilder 

4.1 A member of the NSSSA who has attended at least one NSSSA Conference, serving as a leader of a Skillbuilding  group at a NSSSA Leadership Conference.  

5. Advisor 

5.1 A person attending an NSSSA leadership event as a Principal’s Designate for the purpose of fulfilling the 1:12 student to advisor ratio.  


1. The name of the organization is the Nova Scotia Secondary School Students’ Association, hereinafter known as the NSSSA. 


1. Membership is open to all full-time students currently enrolled in a secondary school in Nova Scotia who have attended an NSSSA event. 

2. Any member acting in a manner detrimental to the organization can be removed from an NSSSA event at the discretion of  their Regional Co-Premiers or Provincial Co-Chairs. 

3. Any member acting in a manner detrimental to the organization can have their membership revoked by a three quarters (3/4) majority vote of the Provincial Cabinet.  

4. Honorary life memberships may be conferred on individuals for outstanding contributions to the organization by a three quarters (3/4) majority vote of the Provincial Cabinet. 


1. There shall be a Provincial Cabinet that shall be the governing body of the NSSSA. 

2. The Provincial Cabinet shall consist of:  

2.1. President 

2.1.1. The President must be enrolled in a secondary school in Nova Scotia at the time they are elected.

2.1.2 The President must be living within a 500 km radius of Halifax, Nova Scotia during their term in office.

2.1.3. Nominees for the Presidency must have served a term as a member of a Regional Cabinet or any NSSSA  Provincial Committee.  

2.1.4. The President shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting according to the voting procedures in Article 5. 

2.1.5. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the NSSSA.  

2.1.6. The President shall have signing rights for all bank accounts of the NSSSA. 

2.1.7. The President shall be a member of the Finance Team.

2.2. Vice President Internal 

2.2.1. The Vice President Internal must be enrolled in a secondary school in Nova Scotia during the time they are  elected, and during their term in office. 

2.2.2. The Vice President Internal shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting according to the voting procedures in Article 5. 

2.2.3. Nominees for the Vice Presidency must have served a term as a member of a Regional Cabinet or any NSSSA  Provincial Committee. 

2.2.4. The Vice President Internal shall have signing rights for all bank accounts of the NSSSA. 

2.2.5. The Vice President Internal shall be a member of the Finance Team. 

2.3. Vice President External  

2.3.1. The Vice President External must be enrolled in a secondary school in Nova Scotia during the time they are  elected, and throughout their term in office 

2.3.2. The Vice President External shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting according to the voting procedures in Article 5.  

2.3.3. Nominees for the Vice Presidency must have served a term as a member of a Regional Cabinet or any NSSSA  Provincial Committee. 

2.3.4. The Vice President External shall have signing rights for all bank accounts of the NSSSA 

2.3.5. The Vice President External shall be a member of the Finance Team. 

 2.4. The Past President 

2.4.1. The Past President shall be non-voting.  

2.4.2. Should the President be unavailable to serve as Past President the following year, the incoming President and  Provincial Advisor will appoint another member to the position. 

 2.5. Provincial Advisor 

2.5.1. The Provincial Advisor shall be non-voting.  

2.5.2. The Provincial Advisor shall be appointed by the incoming President and Vice Presidents. 

2.5.3. The Provincial Advisor shall have signing rights for all bank accounts of the NSSSA. 

2.5.4. The Provincial Advisor shall be a member of the Finance Team. 

2.6. Treasurer (2) 

2.6.1 The Treasurers shall serves as the Chief Financial Officers for the NSSSA. 

2.6.2. The Treasurer(s) shall have signing rights for all bank accounts of the NSSSA. 

2.6.3. The Treasurers shall be members of the Finance Team. 

2.7. Secretary  

2.7.1 The Secretary will be appointed by the incoming President and Vice Presidents. 

2.7.2. The Secretary must be enrolled in a secondary school in Nova Scotia during the time they are appointed, and during their term in office 

2.8. Provincial Conference Co-Chairs (2) 

2.8.1. The Provincial Conference Co-Chairs be enrolled in a secondary school in Nova Scotia during the time they are appointed. 

2.8.2 The Provincial Conference Co-Chairs must be living within a 500 km radius of Halifax, Nova Scotia during their term in office.  

2.8.3. The Provincial Conference Co-Chairs must have attended a NSSSA Provincial Conference. 

2.9. Inclusion Conference Co-Chairs (2)  

2.9.1. The Inclusion Conference Co-Chairs must be enrolled in a secondary school in Nova Scotia during the time they are appointed. 

2.9.2. The Inclusion Conference Co-Chairs must be living within a 500 km radius of Halifax, Nova Scotia during their term in office. 

2.9.3 Inclusion Conference Co-Chair candidates must have attended a NSSSA Inclusion Conference. 

3.1 Media Relations 

3.1.1. Media Relations must be enrolled in a secondary school in Nova Scotia during the time they are appointed, and during their term in office. 

3.2. Gala Co-Chairs 

3.2.1. The Gala Co-Chairs shall be non-voting. 

3.3. Alumni Association President 

3.3.1. The Alumni Association President shall be non-voting.

3.4. Strait Region Co-Premiers (2) 

3.4.1. The Strait Region Co-Premiers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting according to the voting procedures in Article 5.  

3.4.2. The Strait Region Co-Premiers must be enrolled in a secondary school in the Strait region during the time they are elected, and during their term in office. 

3.5. Cape Breton-Victoria Region Co- Premiers (2)  

3.5.1. The Cape Breton-Victoria Region Co-Premiers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting according to the voting procedures in Article 5.  

3.5.2. The Cape Breton-Victoria Region Co-Premiers must be enrolled in a secondary school in the Cape Breton Victoria region during the time they are elected, and during their term in office. 

3.6. Chignecto Region Co-Premiers (2) 

3.6.1. The Chignecto Region Co-Premiers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting according to the voting procedures in Article 5. 

3.6.2. The Chignecto Region Co-Premiers must be enrolled in a secondary school in the Chignecto region during the time they are elected, and during their term in office. 

3.7. Metro Region Co-Premiers (2)  

3.7.1. The Metro Region Co-Premiers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting according to the voting procedures in Article 5.  

3.7.2. The Metro Region Co-Premiers must be enrolled in a secondary school in the Metro region during the time  they are elected, and during their term in office. 

3.8. Southwest Region Co-Premiers (2) 

3.8.1. The Southwest Region Co-Premiers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting according to the voting procedures in Article 5. 

3.8.2. The Southwest Region Co-Premiers must be enrolled in a secondary school in the Southwest region during the time they are elected, and during their term in office. 

3.9. Valley Region Co-Premiers (2)  

3.9.1. The Valley Region Co-Premiers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting according to the voting procedures in Article 5.  

3.9.2. The Valley Region Co-Premiers must be enrolled in a secondary school in the Valley region during the time  they are elected, and during their term in office. 

4. All members of the Provincial Cabinet must be members of the NSSSA, as outlined in Article 4. 

5. The President, the Provincial Conference Co-Chairs, the Inclusion Conference Co-Chairs, the Provincial Advisor, the Alumni, President, Webmaster and the Past President shall be considered members of the NSSSA throughout their term in office. 

6. All non-elected members of the Provincial Cabinet shall be appointed by the President and the Vice Presidents.

7. All members of the Provincial Cabinet are voting members, unless otherwise stated. 

8. The Outgoing Directors shall file a list of the incoming Directors to the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies prior to their year-end in July of each year. The list must be signed by the incoming President and must list all directors’ names,  addresses, occupations and dates of appointment. A list should be also filed any time during the year in which a change of directors has occurred, either through vacating of office, dismissal, etc. 

9. None of the NSSSA accounts shall have the ability to exercise borrowing powers. 


1. All members of the NSSSA shall be able to seek candidacy for elected positions of the Provincial Cabinet.  

2. Nominees for the Presidency and Vice Presidencies must have served as a member of a Regional Cabinet or any NSSSA Provincial Committee for a minimum of one term. 

3.The elections for Provincial Cabinet positions shall take place at the Annual General Meeting and will occur in the following order: President, Vice Presidents and Regional Co-Premiers. 


4.1 The President and the Provincial Advisor shall serve as the Chief Electoral Officers of elections. Should there be a conflict of interest, the Past President will replace the party with the conflict as Chief Electoral Officer. 

5. Candidates for the positions of President and Vice Presidents shall be elected by a Preferential Balloting system by all Nova  Scotia Secondary School Students in attendance at the Annual General Meeting.  

6. The Regional Co-Premiers shall be elected by a Preferential Balloting system by all Nova Scotia Secondary School Students, from their respective Region, in attendance at the Annual General Meeting.  

7. Preceding each election, the President shall cast a sealed preferential vote. This preferential vote shall only be used in the event of breaking a tie.  

8. Nominations forms for each elected position on the Provincial Cabinet must be completed, signed by a school official from the candidate’s school and received by the President no later than one (1) week prior to the beginning of the Annual General  Meeting.  

9. A meeting of all candidates and the current Provincial Cabinet shall be held at the Annual General Meeting, prior to the elections. Candidates will then receive the signature from either their regional advisor or the member currently holding the  position for which they are running. 

10. Defeated candidates for President may submit their names for one of the Vice President, or Regional Co-Premier Positions without a new nomination form should they meet the criteria for the position. This must be submitted to the Chief Electoral  Officers, immediately after the Presidential election results are released. This same process will hold for defeated Vice President Candidates who wish to submit their names for Regional Co-Premier Positions.  

11. Any member of the organization present at the Annual General Meeting, who wishes to protest an electoral procedure or contest an electoral decision, must submit the protest, in writing, to the Chief Electoral Officers within one (1) hour of the  contested vote. The Chief Electoral Officers will have twelve (12) hours following the contested vote to investigate the protest and make a decision.  


1. All members of the Provincial Cabinet shall serve a term of office of one (1) fiscal year, commencing on July 1st of the year of election or appointment and ending June 30 of the following year.  

2. Members of the Provincial Cabinet may be required to resign by a formal motion and a three-quarters (3/4) majority vote of the  Provincial Cabinet. 

3. Removal of a member of the Provincial Cabinet may fall under the following grounds:  

3.1. Failure to attend three (3) meetings of the Provincial Cabinet during their term of office, without giving prior acceptable notice of absence in each instance.  

3.2. Failure to perform their responsibilities to the Provincial Cabinet.  

3.3. Loss of eligibility for their position.  

3.4 Any other behaviours deemed Detrimental to the NSSSA under the Provincial Cabinet’s discretion.  

4. If the President resigns or has been removed from office, the Vice Presidents shall immediately take their place as the Co Presidents of the NSSSA, as ratified by the two-thirds (2/3) majority.  

5. Any other Provincial Cabinet member who resigns or has been removed from office, may be replaced by the Provincial Cabinet with a three-quarters two-thirds (2/3) majority vote in support of the new candidate. 

6. Members of the Provincial Cabinet have the right to add or delete positions on the Provincial Cabinet on a one (1) year trial basis by a three-quarters two-thirds (2/3) majority vote. If the position is to be maintained or deleted beyond the year, it must follow proper By-Law amending procedure as outlined in Article 9.


1. Provincial Cabinet meetings will be based on ‘Roberts Rules of Order’.  

2. All Provincial Cabinet meetings will require a quorum of a three-quarters (3/4) of the voting members to be present in  order for motions to be voted on. 

3. Provincial Cabinet Members may send a representative from their respective Committee to count as a voting member in  their place.  

4. In order to ratify a Motion at a Provincial Cabinet meeting, the motion requires a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote.  

5. Special Meetings of Provincial Cabinet may be called by a member of the Cabinet given ten days’ notice and requiring a  majority vote of the Cabinet. Voting on this motion to hold a Special Meeting may be submitted by email, fax, and telephone or in person.  


1. There shall be a meeting open to all members of the NSSSA and it shall be called the Annual General Meeting. 

2. The Annual General Meeting shall be chaired by the President.  

3. The agenda of the Annual General Meeting shall be decided by the Provincial Cabinet by a three quarter 3/4 majority vote and shall be circulated to all Nova Scotia secondary schools at least ten (10) days prior to the Annual General Meeting. 

4. Proposed agenda submissions for the Annual General Meeting must be submitted to the Provincial Cabinet, in writing, at least fourteen (14) days prior to the Annual General Meeting.  

5. Each Nova Scotia Secondary Schools Students in attendance at the Annual General Meeting shall have one (1) vote for each proposed amendment to the By-Laws. 


1. The By-laws of the NSSSA may be amended only by a three-quarters (3/4) majority vote of the Nova Scotia Secondary School Students in attendance at the Annual General Meeting.  

2. Proposed Amendments to the By-laws must be submitted to the Provincial Cabinet, in writing, at least thirty (30) days prior to the Annual General Meeting. 

3. Proposed Amendments to the By-laws require the support of the Provincial Cabinet by a three-quarters (3/4) majority vote at least fourteen (14) days prior to the Annual General Meeting. 

4. Proposed Amendments to the By-laws approved by the Provincial Cabinet, must be available to all secondary school students in Nova Scotia via the official NSSSA Website at least ten (10) days prior to the Annual General Meeting. 


1. President 

1.1. To establish and maintain the Provincial Cabinet, as outlined in Article 4 of the By-Laws, to carry out the objectives of the NSSSA. 

1.2. To chair regular monthly meetings and any special meetings of the Provincial Cabinet.  

1.3 To oversee the members of the Provincial Cabinet.  

1.4 To serve as the official spokesperson of the NSSSA.  

1.5 To oversee the search for qualified potential candidates for all elected positions prior to the Annual General Meeting. 

1.6. To organize and chair the Annual General Meeting.  

1.7. To deal with matters concerning revision, interpretation and enforcement of the By-Laws. 

1.8. To perform any other duties as assigned by the Provincial Cabinet.

2. Vice President Internal 

2.1. To assist the President in establishing the Provincial Cabinet.  

2.2. To assist all members of the Provincial Cabinet with the internal aspects of their positional duties.

2.3. To attend all Provincial Cabinet meetings. 

2.4. To perform any other duties assigned by the Provincial Cabinet. 

3. Vice President External 

3.1. To assist the President in establishing the Provincial Cabinet. 

3.2. To assist all members of the Provincial Cabinet with the external aspects of their positional duties.

3.3. To attend all Provincial Cabinet meetings. 

3.4. To perform any other duties assigned by the Provincial Cabinet. 

4. Past President 

4.1. To advise the Provincial Cabinet.  

4.2. To attend all Provincial Cabinet meetings  

4.3. To perform any other duties as assigned by the Provincial Cabinet. 

5. Provincial Advisor 

5.1. Will function as an advisor to the Provincial Cabinet. 

5.2. To attend all Provincial Cabinet meetings  

5.3. To be responsible for the Provincial Cabinet.  

6. Treasurer 

6.1. To create an annual budget for PC based on available and projected revenues. 

6.2. Is responsible for tracking all expenditures and revenues of the organization.  

6.3. Must keep meticulous records of all financial transactions.  

6.4. To present monthly financial updates to the Provincial Cabinet.  

6.5. To file a financial statement at the end of the fiscal year to the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies, by August 1st. The financial statement must be signed by two Directors. This statement is to be in the form of a balance sheet and  income statement. 

6.6. To file a financial statement at the end of the fiscal year to the CRA, by August 1st. The financial statement must be signed by two Directors. This statement is to be in the form of a balance sheet and income statement.

6.7 To provide copies of the financial update must be available at the Annual General Meeting for examination by the  members. 

6.8. To attend all Provincial Cabinet meetings. 

6.9. To perform any other duties as assigned by the Provincial Cabinet. 

7. Secretary 

7.1. Is responsible for keeping accurate Minutes of all Provincial Cabinet meetings in a manner that is consistent & clear.

7.2. Is responsible for distributing the Minutes to all Provincial Cabinet members for review prior to the proceeding meeting. 

7.3. Is responsible for ensuring the approved Minutes are posted on the official NSSSA website for all members to view.

7.4. To communicate with all Provincial Cabinet members and assist with other duties when necessary.

7.5. To attend all Provincial Cabinet meetings.  

7.6. To perform any other duties as assigned by the Provincial Cabinet. 

8. Provincial Conference Co-Chairs (2) 

8.1. To establish a Provincial Conference Committee to organize the annual Provincial Student Leadership Conference.

8.2 To co-chair and organize the agenda for all meetings of the Provincial Conference Committee. 

8.3. To attend all Provincial Cabinet meetings as a representative for Provincial Conference Committee. 

8.4. To appoint any new members or create new positions to the Provincial Conference Committee 

8.5. To perform any other duties as assigned by the Provincial Cabinet.

9. Inclusion Conference Co-Chairs (2) 

9.1. To establish an Inclusion Conference Committee to organize a Provincial Student Leadership Conference for students who, with adaptation, are unable to access curriculum at regional and provincial conferences. 

9.2. To chair and organize the agenda for all meetings of the Inclusion Conference Committee  

9.3. To attend all Provincial Cabinet meetings as a representative for Provincial Inclusion Committee.

9.4. To appoint any new members or create new positions to the Provincial Inclusion Committee.  

9.5. To perform any other duties as assigned by the Provincial Cabinet. 

 10. Regional Co-Premiers (2 per region) 

10.1. To establish a Regional Cabinet to organize an annual Regional Leadership Conference. 

10.2. To chair regular meetings of the Regional Cabinet.  

10.3. To appoint a Regional Cabinet Advisor for their term in office.  

10.4. To host and organize other student leadership initiatives within their region.  

10.5. To attend all Provincial Cabinet meetings.  

10.6. To perform any other duties as assigned by the Provincial Cabinet. 

 11. Media Relations  

 12. Gala Co-Chairs 

12.1. To plan, coordinate, and carry out an annual gala to recognize members of the NSSSA.  

12.2. To work closely with the Alumni Association to form a combined Gala committee 

12.3. To attend all Provincial Cabinet meetings.  

12.4. To perform any other duties as assigned by the Provincial Cabinet. 

 13. Alumni Association President 

13.1. To be elected by the Alumni Association at their Annual General meeting  

13.2. To attend all Provincial Cabinet meetings.  


1. All students must follow the transportation regulations outlined by their respective school, school board and the Department of Education.  


The 8 Key Concepts of the NSSSA 

1. Positive Internal Focus: Always be optimistic. Maintain a positive focus to be successful as a group

2. Speaker in Charge: Only one person speaks at a time, all others should listen. This is respectful and this way everyone  gets a chance to contribute.  

3. Speak for I: Speak only for yourself. When making a statement, say: “I feel”, not “we feel”. Others might not feel the same as you. Make no assumptions.  

4. No Killer Statements: Avoid insults and negative talk. By making fun, it may destroy the security of a group, even if only  joking. It is possible to disagree and still stay positive.  

5. No Unfinished Business: All issues are to be discussed until satisfied. A group may get into a great discussion but might run out of time. Return to the unfinished discussion as soon as possible.  

6. Right to Pass: Everyone has the choice whether or not to participate. Some people may feel uncomfortable in certain situations.  

7. Leveling out: Every person in a group is equal. This means that everyone gets a chance to speak. Everyone should be on  the same level physically if possible.  

8. Business, Never Personal: You can dislike someone’s ideas without disliking the person. Don’t let opinions get personal and affect relationships.